Thursday, July 1, 2021

Forest Bathing

Hello Centaurs!

Forty years ago, a practice emerged in the forests of Japan.  They called it Shinrin-Yoku, or Forest Bathing.  Personally, I think it sounds amazing.

Basically, to participate in Shinrin-Yoku, one simply needs to walk slowly through a forest, or even sit in a forest, breathing deeply and looking at the trees.

A few years later, scientists got involved and began to study the effects.  As it turns out, Forest Bathing is extremely beneficial.  It lowers stress levels, calms the mind, frees up creativity, lowers heart rate and blood pressure, boosts the immune system, and improves recovery time.  

Here’s the good news for those of us living in the Utah desert:  Pretty much any time spent outside can have similar benefits!  Being outdoors helps to lower anxiety, lower heart rate, boost the immune system, improves sleep quality, and increases vitamin D levels.  (Google it!  It’s true!)

Trees are amazing.  But so is grass.  And sunsets.  And wind, clouds, rain, fresh air, animals, and dirt.  Somehow, in ways we probably don’t fully understand yet, being outside is good for our bodies and souls.  

Now, here’s the really fun part.  When we play outside, we get most (if not all) of those benefits of being outside, plus better physical health, more social interaction, and better life satisfaction.  

It blows my mind that conscientiously spending time out-of-doors can have so much impact on us.  I’ve certainly felt it, though.  Indoors, I am plagued by laundry, dishes, goals, advice, messes, and stresses.  Outside, much of that falls away.  It feels like I can look up, breathe, feel hope and purpose.  The messes no longer matter so much.  There aren’t as many screens to distract me, and I can be present in the moment.  Fears and insecurities tend to fall away.  

Here’s the other cool thing:  everybody has their own ways of enjoying the outdoors.  Many people like organized sports or extreme adventures.  My favorites are… a silly mix of me. :P

I like:


-Smelling trees

-Flying kites

-Riding horses

-Reading books

-Closing my eyes and just enjoying the feeling of sun, wind, or rain

-Building campfires

-Playing frisbee

-Talking with friends

-Drinking iced tea or lemonade on the front porch

-Riding bikes


-Ground skills with horses

What do you like to do outside?

Smile and Play!


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